Thanks, Ohio State for:
1. Teaching me what real tradition is.
Mirror Lake, Script Ohio, etc.2. Giving me the opportunity to grow and become a real, independent adult.
3. Giving me Mount, which gave me the most amazing friends all through college.
4. Giving me USG, which gave me the opportunity to work with a zillion different kinds of people and learn the art of negotiation and patience.
5. Giving me the most amazing mentors I could ever have. So many people have helped me throughout the years.
6. Blessing me with great roommates. Living in 208, on Norwich, and in Hotel RAD has always been a good time.
7. Allowing me to be me. And for figuring out what that meant.
8. For all of the most random nights of my life... :)
9. For giving me Alpha Gam. Which really gave me purpose when I couldn't find any.
10. For allowing me to walk away with absolutely no regrets.
T- less than 36 hours until the great migration begins...