Sunday, December 7, 2008


I'm a sucker for a good SNL skit.  Here's what I found the funniest last night...

Friday, December 5, 2008

bad blogger

i know, i know.  i've been a bad blogger.  you have to know that after the election it was all papers, thanksgiving, and now more papers.  but i'm making it a new goal of mine to keep up with my blog a lot more.

a few things...
1.  thanksgiving break was WONDA-FUL.  other than the horrific stories of my actual travel from ATL to DAY, nothing could have gone better.  i got to see my friend family in columbus and my real family in carlisle.  while i was home my mom and dad celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary, my mom turned 46, and my dad turned the big 5-0.  our cousin put a hilariously tacky sign in our front yard on my dad's birthday that said "honk!!!  bob's 50!"  my dad hated it but we all died.  

2.  i'm almost done with my first semester of grad school.  can you believe it?  that puts me at almost a quarter of the way done.  next semester i'll be working with university housing in the department of staff development and judicial programs for my practicum experience.  we'll see how it all goes.  i met with my new supervisor today... so far so good!

3.  i'm doing weight watchers online now!  after trying on bridesmaid dresses for jessie's wedding i have decided to make a change... i had to.  i've been on it a week and so far i've lost 6 lbs.  :)  i paid for 3 months at the very beginning so i'm in it for the long haul.  hopefully by the time jessie's wedding rolls around i will have lost a zillion pounds.

i think that's about it for now...