Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
bad blogger
i know, i know. i've been a bad blogger. you have to know that after the election it was all papers, thanksgiving, and now more papers. but i'm making it a new goal of mine to keep up with my blog a lot more.
a few things...
1. thanksgiving break was WONDA-FUL. other than the horrific stories of my actual travel from ATL to DAY, nothing could have gone better. i got to see my friend family in columbus and my real family in carlisle. while i was home my mom and dad celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary, my mom turned 46, and my dad turned the big 5-0. our cousin put a hilariously tacky sign in our front yard on my dad's birthday that said "honk!!! bob's 50!" my dad hated it but we all died.
2. i'm almost done with my first semester of grad school. can you believe it? that puts me at almost a quarter of the way done. next semester i'll be working with university housing in the department of staff development and judicial programs for my practicum experience. we'll see how it all goes. i met with my new supervisor today... so far so good!
3. i'm doing weight watchers online now! after trying on bridesmaid dresses for jessie's wedding i have decided to make a change... i had to. i've been on it a week and so far i've lost 6 lbs. :) i paid for 3 months at the very beginning so i'm in it for the long haul. hopefully by the time jessie's wedding rolls around i will have lost a zillion pounds.
i think that's about it for now...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Prop 8
I've been figuring out how to talk about my opposition to Prop 8 in California. Again, my thoughts don't seem to be able to be put together in any coherent manner so I will instead post a video of someone who can put them in order for me.
Thanks for sending it my way, Danielle!
Thanks for sending it my way, Danielle!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
It's a new day.
I was catching up on my DVR this morning and after watching Will.I.Am sing this on Friday's Oprah I found myself overwhelmed and crying. This song puts it all together for me... it says all of the things that I can't seem to articulate myself.
don't you feel better about life now? don't you just want to get up and dance?
don't you feel better about life now? don't you just want to get up and dance?
Friday, November 7, 2008
have you seen these?
after writing my post about my election experience... and after buying time and people magazines today... i'm inspired after watching some of the speeches i'd forgotten about.
(After he won Iowa.)
(Obama's speech on race.)
(After he won the nomination.)
(hillary's concession speech... i sobbed. probably female guilt. i <3 her.)
(After he won Iowa.)
(Obama's speech on race.)
(After he won the nomination.)
(hillary's concession speech... i sobbed. probably female guilt. i <3 her.)
A moment in history.
I've been putting off writing this blog post for a few days. I needed to gather my thoughts on the history that was made. I guess I should have written this on Tuesday at 11 p.m because my thoughts are still not going to come out in any coherent manner. (Also... I'm writing this post mostly so that I can remember all of my thoughts and feelings at the exact moment... so if it seems boring, I apologize.)
My experience with this election started long ago. Back in 2004 I can remember sitting at a friend's house and getting my first glimpse at Barack Obama. He was speaking at the 2004 DNC (who doesn't remember this speech?) I can vividly remember asking myself... Who is this guy? His oratory skills are unreal. amazing ideas! He's not afraid to go "there."
At that point in my life I was just realizing that I was a Democrat. Thank God for my parents. My dad had been asking me for years what I thought about issues. It's nothing for us to sit in our living room and debate the death penalty, welfare, the war in Iraq, etc You name it, we've talked about it. My dad's a die hard conservative (who once told me jokingly that the worst thing I could ever be was a Dem) and although my mom votes issue by issue, she had always told both my brother and I to develop our own ideas. But that's a different post for a different day...
So here I was, a Dem. I went off to college in the autumn of 2004 and watched John Kerry lose an election. Most people saw it coming. Over the next few years I became even more concerned with what was going on in our country. Being a news junkie became a way of life. Internally I struggled with my own ideas on what was going on in the world... how did I feel about the wars? How did I feel about abortion? How did I feel about No Child Left Behind?
After 2 summers in D.C. I had a great appreciation for government in general. My second summer with LA proved to be transformative in my outlook on life especially in the areas of social justice. How could we stand by and allow our government to give rights to some and not to others? How was it okay that there had never been a president that didn't fit the male, white, wealthy mold? And more importantly, why had I never considered this before?
During that summer I can remember talking to one of my co-workers about the upcoming election. I was talking about how impressed I was with Sen. Obama's ideas and poise. She replied with this: "Well that will never happen." I asked her why and she just kept repeating that there was no way that he'd be elected. "It just won't be possible." "Don't get your hopes up" she told me. How could she be so cynical about it? Here was a man that she may not agree with, but to just slough off the idea of the first African American president seemed so irrational to me.
I came back to campus that fall and I became more and more excited about the future. Although I liked Hillary, Barack was my main man. Over time, I realized that my good friend Jim (who had supported Bush in 2004) was starting to really get into Obama as well. That winter we decided to get involved in the primary campaign. We painted signs, helped at rallies, and even got to shake Sen Obama's hand as well as Michelle Obama's hand. Michelle even gave Jim a hug (because he was a republican. ugh. That would not be the last time Jim got the best treatment from the campaign for being a conservative supporter.)
Obama lost the primary, but went on to win the nomination. As I sat and watched the speech he made that night, I cried. We had completed the first part. Now it was on to November.
That summer Jim got to go to Denver for free. You can read all about it here. He got to meet a zillion Dems (including OPRAH.) I was so jealous, I'll be honest.
Then came the countdown to November 4th. I came addicted to the news. I developed my favorite CNN anchors, correspondents, and pundits. I started checking and religiously. Anything I could read, I did. I was obsessed.
Then came November 4th. I was mostly nervous throughout the day. All I wanted to do was go home and watch the news. Alas, I had class and I had to focus on that for the day. That night I had friends over to watch the results. We watched as each state's returns came in. I was thrilled to see both OH and FL go blue pretty early. Once PA and OH went for Obama I knew it was over. Still, I didn't get excited until 11 p.m.
At that moment, when CNN projected that Barack Obama would be the next President of the United States, I was silent. Oh my God. It was really happening. I got text messages and phone calls immediately. I watched the crowd in Grant Park go nuts and wished more than anything that I could be there to celebrate with the masses. I watched McCain's concession speech (which I thought was great... very respectful) and waited for President Elect Obama to take the stage.
When he, along with Michelle, Sasha, and Malia, entered the stage I felt a chill go down my spine. In fact, chills went down my spine throughout the entire speech. The way that he talked about the 106 year old in Atlanta making her way to the polling booth was unreal. All of the history she had seen; the progress she had witnessed.
More importantly, I thought of how my kids will never know a time when it wasn't possible for a person who didn't fit the presidential mold to make it. It's cliche, but I was struck by how much HOPE this brought to the country.
In the coming days, weeks, months, and years, I cannot wait to see how the presidency plays out. I hope that he fulfills all of the expectations that have been placed on him (although that will be no short task) and I hope that he can bring the country together. We are so divided at this point and I hope that the American people can come together to support our new, history making president.
It seemed so unlikely four years ago, but after a process that transformed so much about our ideas, our politics, and our country, there are only three words that can sum up the fight:
Yes we did.
My experience with this election started long ago. Back in 2004 I can remember sitting at a friend's house and getting my first glimpse at Barack Obama. He was speaking at the 2004 DNC (who doesn't remember this speech?) I can vividly remember asking myself... Who is this guy? His oratory skills are unreal. amazing ideas! He's not afraid to go "there."
At that point in my life I was just realizing that I was a Democrat. Thank God for my parents. My dad had been asking me for years what I thought about issues. It's nothing for us to sit in our living room and debate the death penalty, welfare, the war in Iraq, etc You name it, we've talked about it. My dad's a die hard conservative (who once told me jokingly that the worst thing I could ever be was a Dem) and although my mom votes issue by issue, she had always told both my brother and I to develop our own ideas. But that's a different post for a different day...
So here I was, a Dem. I went off to college in the autumn of 2004 and watched John Kerry lose an election. Most people saw it coming. Over the next few years I became even more concerned with what was going on in our country. Being a news junkie became a way of life. Internally I struggled with my own ideas on what was going on in the world... how did I feel about the wars? How did I feel about abortion? How did I feel about No Child Left Behind?
After 2 summers in D.C. I had a great appreciation for government in general. My second summer with LA proved to be transformative in my outlook on life especially in the areas of social justice. How could we stand by and allow our government to give rights to some and not to others? How was it okay that there had never been a president that didn't fit the male, white, wealthy mold? And more importantly, why had I never considered this before?
During that summer I can remember talking to one of my co-workers about the upcoming election. I was talking about how impressed I was with Sen. Obama's ideas and poise. She replied with this: "Well that will never happen." I asked her why and she just kept repeating that there was no way that he'd be elected. "It just won't be possible." "Don't get your hopes up" she told me. How could she be so cynical about it? Here was a man that she may not agree with, but to just slough off the idea of the first African American president seemed so irrational to me.
I came back to campus that fall and I became more and more excited about the future. Although I liked Hillary, Barack was my main man. Over time, I realized that my good friend Jim (who had supported Bush in 2004) was starting to really get into Obama as well. That winter we decided to get involved in the primary campaign. We painted signs, helped at rallies, and even got to shake Sen Obama's hand as well as Michelle Obama's hand. Michelle even gave Jim a hug (because he was a republican. ugh. That would not be the last time Jim got the best treatment from the campaign for being a conservative supporter.)
Obama lost the primary, but went on to win the nomination. As I sat and watched the speech he made that night, I cried. We had completed the first part. Now it was on to November.
That summer Jim got to go to Denver for free. You can read all about it here. He got to meet a zillion Dems (including OPRAH.) I was so jealous, I'll be honest.
Then came the countdown to November 4th. I came addicted to the news. I developed my favorite CNN anchors, correspondents, and pundits. I started checking and religiously. Anything I could read, I did. I was obsessed.
Then came November 4th. I was mostly nervous throughout the day. All I wanted to do was go home and watch the news. Alas, I had class and I had to focus on that for the day. That night I had friends over to watch the results. We watched as each state's returns came in. I was thrilled to see both OH and FL go blue pretty early. Once PA and OH went for Obama I knew it was over. Still, I didn't get excited until 11 p.m.
At that moment, when CNN projected that Barack Obama would be the next President of the United States, I was silent. Oh my God. It was really happening. I got text messages and phone calls immediately. I watched the crowd in Grant Park go nuts and wished more than anything that I could be there to celebrate with the masses. I watched McCain's concession speech (which I thought was great... very respectful) and waited for President Elect Obama to take the stage.
When he, along with Michelle, Sasha, and Malia, entered the stage I felt a chill go down my spine. In fact, chills went down my spine throughout the entire speech. The way that he talked about the 106 year old in Atlanta making her way to the polling booth was unreal. All of the history she had seen; the progress she had witnessed.
More importantly, I thought of how my kids will never know a time when it wasn't possible for a person who didn't fit the presidential mold to make it. It's cliche, but I was struck by how much HOPE this brought to the country.
In the coming days, weeks, months, and years, I cannot wait to see how the presidency plays out. I hope that he fulfills all of the expectations that have been placed on him (although that will be no short task) and I hope that he can bring the country together. We are so divided at this point and I hope that the American people can come together to support our new, history making president.
It seemed so unlikely four years ago, but after a process that transformed so much about our ideas, our politics, and our country, there are only three words that can sum up the fight:
Yes we did.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
my fam came down to GA
last week (amidst the excitement over jess getting engaged) my family came to GA! my dad couldn't make the trip because of work (boo) but my grandma ducky, mom, and brother all came down for four nights. it was wooooonderful to see them.
we ate, shopped, and then ate some more. we frequented some athens favorites like zim's, mama's boy, mellow mushroom, five guys, etc. i think i ate my caloric intake for the entire month in one weekend.
we also got to see my old roommate and bff, meg. it was her birthday on friday so we went and did lunch and an impromptu party in atlanta on saturday. we went to taqueria del sol (mmmm.) we even found a cute little bakery to get her a cake at. then we went to perimeter to shop. get it? eat, shop, eat? typical.
on sunday morning we went out for breakfast with some of my friends from grad school. we got to see christy, brad, Sam,, and Sam's parents!, jason, and kevin! it was such a good time. mama's boy is a-mazing.
my mom loves all of the little shops and restaurants that fill athens. it's really one of my favorite things, too. there in no shortage of character in this town, that's for sure.
so thanks, mom, grandma, and seth for coming all the way down here. your love, support, and interest never seem to stop amazing me.
we ate, shopped, and then ate some more. we frequented some athens favorites like zim's, mama's boy, mellow mushroom, five guys, etc. i think i ate my caloric intake for the entire month in one weekend.
we also got to see my old roommate and bff, meg. it was her birthday on friday so we went and did lunch and an impromptu party in atlanta on saturday. we went to taqueria del sol (mmmm.) we even found a cute little bakery to get her a cake at. then we went to perimeter to shop. get it? eat, shop, eat? typical.
on sunday morning we went out for breakfast with some of my friends from grad school. we got to see christy, brad, Sam,, and Sam's parents!, jason, and kevin! it was such a good time. mama's boy is a-mazing.
my mom loves all of the little shops and restaurants that fill athens. it's really one of my favorite things, too. there in no shortage of character in this town, that's for sure.
so thanks, mom, grandma, and seth for coming all the way down here. your love, support, and interest never seem to stop amazing me.
my best friend.
this is my best friend.

isn't she pretty? she's one of my favorite people in the world. we've been friends since before we can remember. in fact, my dad and her dad graduated in the same year. her mom graduated the year after that. all from carlisle. we used to live down the street from one another and that's when we became friends. no matter how far away from one another we live, we still have an unexplained bond. i count her as my sister.
a few years ago she met josh. this is josh.

isn't he handsome? they met when they both worked at the hospital. josh thought jess was really cute and put her at the top of his "cutest girls in the hospital" list. dreams come true, i guess. he's a really kind and funny guy. the perfect match for jess.
last friday he proposed. they are going to get married. i just can't believe it. her ring is pretty. gorgeous, really. i wish i could upload a pic of it too but i can't figure this phone out.

i can't wait for their wedding. marrying off my sister won't be easy, but to a guy like him it seems natural.
isn't she pretty? she's one of my favorite people in the world. we've been friends since before we can remember. in fact, my dad and her dad graduated in the same year. her mom graduated the year after that. all from carlisle. we used to live down the street from one another and that's when we became friends. no matter how far away from one another we live, we still have an unexplained bond. i count her as my sister.
a few years ago she met josh. this is josh.
isn't he handsome? they met when they both worked at the hospital. josh thought jess was really cute and put her at the top of his "cutest girls in the hospital" list. dreams come true, i guess. he's a really kind and funny guy. the perfect match for jess.
last friday he proposed. they are going to get married. i just can't believe it. her ring is pretty. gorgeous, really. i wish i could upload a pic of it too but i can't figure this phone out.
i can't wait for their wedding. marrying off my sister won't be easy, but to a guy like him it seems natural.
i know i know.
i've been an awful blogger for the past two weeks. i'm going to make up for it today, though. i'm going to write my pants off! soooo much has been going on in GA and back home that i must share with the world.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
something to look forward to.
nothing makes me happier or more giddy than a new harry potter movie. after all, it's all we have to look forward to in regards to HP at this point.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
turning point?
this week marks a turning point in my time at georgia. (or so i hope.)
i'm feeling more like myself this week than i have in a while. maybe it has something to do with the weather finally cooling down. whatever it is, i'm liking it.
this weekend is going to be grrrreat. tonight i'm going to dinner with some of my friends. tomorrow i'm going to do some work in the morning, get my hair cut and colored, and catch a movie with my friends. then i need to focus and get to work on some big assignments that are due in the coming weeks.
saturday i'm meeting up with meg, her sister, and her nieces and nephews at a pumpkin/apple farm in the morning. then going to christy/sam/lizzie's to watch football for the remainder of the day.
now that i'm actually looking at all of the stuff i have to do i'm getting a little nervous...
ah, well. it'll all work out. it always does.
i'm feeling more like myself this week than i have in a while. maybe it has something to do with the weather finally cooling down. whatever it is, i'm liking it.
this weekend is going to be grrrreat. tonight i'm going to dinner with some of my friends. tomorrow i'm going to do some work in the morning, get my hair cut and colored, and catch a movie with my friends. then i need to focus and get to work on some big assignments that are due in the coming weeks.
saturday i'm meeting up with meg, her sister, and her nieces and nephews at a pumpkin/apple farm in the morning. then going to christy/sam/lizzie's to watch football for the remainder of the day.
now that i'm actually looking at all of the stuff i have to do i'm getting a little nervous...
ah, well. it'll all work out. it always does.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
"he better win."

this is a phrase that comes out of jim's mouth almost too often to count. usually it comes up after obama gets another big endorsement (like colin powell this morning) or maybe after a new poll comes out that shows he's up big in a swing state. or in our case... while we're talking on the phone after jim has just sat in the second row at the dnc the night that obama gave his acceptance speech. nonetheless, it has become a mantra of sorts.
reasons why "he better win?" 1. the two of us will never hear the end of it if he doesn't. 2. this country needs steady and smart change.
i'll leave it at that.
going to enjoy the beautiful mid-october georgia weather.
Friday, October 17, 2008
if you haven't seen these you need to watch immediately!
McCain's roast of Obama...
And Obama's response...
I love that they were able to make fun of each other and themselves! This made my entire morning.
And Obama's response...
I love that they were able to make fun of each other and themselves! This made my entire morning.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
leprechaun in alabama.
the drawing? he wants the gold? given to him a thousand years ago by his great great grandfather? too much.
the drawing? he wants the gold? given to him a thousand years ago by his great great grandfather? too much.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
home (we'll try this post again.)
A few weeks ago, you'll remember I was so excited to be going home. My trip home was A-MAZING and I felt so rejuvenated when I got back... like I could actually do this whole grad school "thing." While I was home I got to go back to Cbus to see some of my beautiful friends. It was incredibly hard (read: I had a meltdown) when I had to leave them. But I guess it does feel good to know that Columbus can still function without me. :)
I also got to spend some much needed time with my family and my friends from Carlisle. It was homecoming in Carlisle so I got to see some of my friends from high school while also being able to see my brother play football. He also had the homecoming dance so he had to get all dressed up and take a zillion pictures. He loved every minute of it.
Then on Sunday morning my entire family (on my mom's side) got together for a morning brunch. It was the greatest time. We all ate way too much, talked and laughed loudly, and genuinely enjoyed one another's company. I love it when we can all get together. While some people look at seeing their family as a chore, I'm happy to report that I am the complete opposite. I totally look forward to it.
Here are a few pics from the weekend:
Dad, Seth, Mom, and I.

Mom getting ready to give Seth a kiss on the cheek. If only the picture had been taken .1 seconds later! ugh.
I also got to spend some much needed time with my family and my friends from Carlisle. It was homecoming in Carlisle so I got to see some of my friends from high school while also being able to see my brother play football. He also had the homecoming dance so he had to get all dressed up and take a zillion pictures. He loved every minute of it.
Then on Sunday morning my entire family (on my mom's side) got together for a morning brunch. It was the greatest time. We all ate way too much, talked and laughed loudly, and genuinely enjoyed one another's company. I love it when we can all get together. While some people look at seeing their family as a chore, I'm happy to report that I am the complete opposite. I totally look forward to it.
Here are a few pics from the weekend:
Dad, Seth, Mom, and I.
Mom getting ready to give Seth a kiss on the cheek. If only the picture had been taken .1 seconds later! ugh.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Check out Brad's post
I wanted to post about this early this week but I couldn't figure out a good way to put my words together. So instead of working on my writing skills, I will direct you to Brad's blog to read a post that said exactly what I wanted to say. Check it out.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
it's raining in georgia.
I should have known that today would be a little off as soon as I woke up this morning. You see, this morning when I woke up, it was raining. It rained while I got ready, rained while I drove to school, rained while I waited for the bus, it just rained rained rained and it's STILL raining. This might seem abnormal to the average person (I know if I were in Ohio I wouldn't think twice) but in Georgia there's been a HUGE drought over the past few years. So when it rains in Georgia, people react the same way they do when it rains in Pheonix: they look up to the sky with amazement.
I guess I should back up. I've been mulling over some "stuff" for the past few days/weeks. I've been homesick. I've been lonely. I've been needing my friends more than ever. I guess you could say I'm finally realizing this transition I've been in the midst of. Georgia is no longer a temporary place for me. For the next two years, it's my home.
So dealing with this revelation along with my first two midterms of grad school and a looming doctor's appointment were weighing on my mind. See? I should have known it would all blow open when I saw that today... it was raining in Georgia. (edit: it's POURING in Georgia.)
So it all sort of came to blows today when I went to my doctor's appointment. Prior to going I got a call (not bad... actually very friendly) from a guy that always makes me a little emotional... Then I got to the doctor's appointment and all hell broke loose. I was prepared for one thing and she ended up wanting to do another. It (I) fell apart. Right there in the room. While I was talking to the doctor.
Something that should not have made me upset (maybe a little frustrated... but no tears were necessary) suddenly opened the floodgates. I apologized profusely and we were able to get back on track, but at that moment I was President, VP, Secretary, and founding member of the Hot Mess Club.
Interestingly enough, though, I feel so much better now. I feel like I'm de-stressed and ready to take on the next challenge. I feel as though maybe I've come to terms with the things that were building up. Or maybe I just recognized that it was there. Nevertheless, I felt the release.
Also... and this has nothing to do with the tears or the rain... I FINALLY got my absentee ballot today! I am SO excited. :)
So with that, I think I'm going to go lay in my bed, listen to the rain, and read. After all, rain doesn't come too often around here.
I guess I should back up. I've been mulling over some "stuff" for the past few days/weeks. I've been homesick. I've been lonely. I've been needing my friends more than ever. I guess you could say I'm finally realizing this transition I've been in the midst of. Georgia is no longer a temporary place for me. For the next two years, it's my home.
So dealing with this revelation along with my first two midterms of grad school and a looming doctor's appointment were weighing on my mind. See? I should have known it would all blow open when I saw that today... it was raining in Georgia. (edit: it's POURING in Georgia.)
So it all sort of came to blows today when I went to my doctor's appointment. Prior to going I got a call (not bad... actually very friendly) from a guy that always makes me a little emotional... Then I got to the doctor's appointment and all hell broke loose. I was prepared for one thing and she ended up wanting to do another. It (I) fell apart. Right there in the room. While I was talking to the doctor.
Something that should not have made me upset (maybe a little frustrated... but no tears were necessary) suddenly opened the floodgates. I apologized profusely and we were able to get back on track, but at that moment I was President, VP, Secretary, and founding member of the Hot Mess Club.
Interestingly enough, though, I feel so much better now. I feel like I'm de-stressed and ready to take on the next challenge. I feel as though maybe I've come to terms with the things that were building up. Or maybe I just recognized that it was there. Nevertheless, I felt the release.
Also... and this has nothing to do with the tears or the rain... I FINALLY got my absentee ballot today! I am SO excited. :)
So with that, I think I'm going to go lay in my bed, listen to the rain, and read. After all, rain doesn't come too often around here.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
it's the small things.
Yesterday I was in a horrible mood until the Buckeyes came on. They won, then I watched SNL (of course Tina Fey was back... so that made my night.) And then one of my BFFs from OSU called me and was HYSTERICAL (I will name no names.)
I know I've been a horrible blogger this past week... and to be honest I won't be much of one until after Midterms are over (well the first round anyway) by the middle of this week. Until then... I leave you with Tina Fey.
I know I've been a horrible blogger this past week... and to be honest I won't be much of one until after Midterms are over (well the first round anyway) by the middle of this week. Until then... I leave you with Tina Fey.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
My friend Gent has coined this October "Baracktober." I'm not sure if she came up with the term or not (I would not be surprised) but I love it nonetheless.
After watching the debate tonight I am believing more and more that this campaign has seen its turning point. McCain's stunt last week (he suspended his campaign to deal with the Republicans in the House) has back fired. People are starting to get it. I've chatted with several people lately who have had their "light bulb" moments. I love it.
IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE DO SO NOW. Go to for all of your voting needs (change of address, registering, absentee info.) If you don't register by today (Fri) in some states you're relinquishing your ability to have a say on November 4th. I don't care who you vote for (well that's a lie) or where you vote... just vote!
After watching the debate tonight I am believing more and more that this campaign has seen its turning point. McCain's stunt last week (he suspended his campaign to deal with the Republicans in the House) has back fired. People are starting to get it. I've chatted with several people lately who have had their "light bulb" moments. I love it.
IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE DO SO NOW. Go to for all of your voting needs (change of address, registering, absentee info.) If you don't register by today (Fri) in some states you're relinquishing your ability to have a say on November 4th. I don't care who you vote for (well that's a lie) or where you vote... just vote!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
She did it again!
I somehow missed the opening of SNL last night (I saw the rest)and didn't realize that Tina Fey was back! This made my entire Sunday night!
p.s. I'll write about this weekend sometime tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
As most of you know, I've worked for a company (let's call it LA) for several years. I started working there the summer after my sophomore year of college and have worked every summer and spring since (in a variety of capacities.)
The other day after I had skyped with my friend Maddy, I started thinking about all that it has given me.
1. The company has given me the opportunity to travel FOR FREE. I've spent two summers and a few weeks each spring in D.C. I've also traveled to California to see San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose. Being young and broke 99% of the time I know that without LA I would never have gotten the opportunity to travel to such fun places. I think about all of the culture I've experienced as a result and I get even more excited.
2. I've learned to deal with whatever life throws me professionally. I can multitask with the best of them. I can deal with parents. I can deal with students. I can work on almost no sleep (actually I can work for days at a time with little-to-no sleep.) I have learned a zillion other little things and now that I have I feel that I can roll with the punches at any job.
3. This opportunity has given me some of my very best friends. The bond you build at LA is unlike any other. I once heard someone describe it as going on the show "Survivor" because you're held on a college campus for 8 weeks, working like crazy, and all you have is one another. While that seems outrageous, it's a pretty accurate description. When we have reunions it's as though nothing changes. We love to get as little sleep as possible in order to enjoy one another's company for as long as possible. I just love it.
This post could never do justice to what I feel and believe about the wonderful people I've met through LA. There is never a day that I don't think about someone I know through the LA experience. They always understand me like no one else and I feel that I can go to them with any problem (er... opportunity?) and they will listen, console, laugh, and support.
I love each one of them with my entire heart.
Thanks, LeadU.
The other day after I had skyped with my friend Maddy, I started thinking about all that it has given me.
1. The company has given me the opportunity to travel FOR FREE. I've spent two summers and a few weeks each spring in D.C. I've also traveled to California to see San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose. Being young and broke 99% of the time I know that without LA I would never have gotten the opportunity to travel to such fun places. I think about all of the culture I've experienced as a result and I get even more excited.
2. I've learned to deal with whatever life throws me professionally. I can multitask with the best of them. I can deal with parents. I can deal with students. I can work on almost no sleep (actually I can work for days at a time with little-to-no sleep.) I have learned a zillion other little things and now that I have I feel that I can roll with the punches at any job.
3. This opportunity has given me some of my very best friends. The bond you build at LA is unlike any other. I once heard someone describe it as going on the show "Survivor" because you're held on a college campus for 8 weeks, working like crazy, and all you have is one another. While that seems outrageous, it's a pretty accurate description. When we have reunions it's as though nothing changes. We love to get as little sleep as possible in order to enjoy one another's company for as long as possible. I just love it.
This post could never do justice to what I feel and believe about the wonderful people I've met through LA. There is never a day that I don't think about someone I know through the LA experience. They always understand me like no one else and I feel that I can go to them with any problem (er... opportunity?) and they will listen, console, laugh, and support.
I love each one of them with my entire heart.
Thanks, LeadU.
home tomorrow.
Tomorrow night I will sleep in Carlisle. The next day I will get to see some of my very best friends. The entire weekend I get to see my family. I couldn't ask for more.
I probably won't blog while I'm home but I'm sure I'll have tons to say when I get back!
I probably won't blog while I'm home but I'm sure I'll have tons to say when I get back!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
have you ever read post secret?
This is a site that was started several years ago... Millions send their secrets to this one specific address and then Frank, the creator, picks 20 secrets out to put on the site every week. Some are sad, some are funny, some are outrageous. But it truly does help a lot of people feel like they're not alone. He updates every Sunday so it's always something to look forward to.
Here are a few of my favs this week:

See? Funny. Sad. At the very least they make you think.
This is a site that was started several years ago... Millions send their secrets to this one specific address and then Frank, the creator, picks 20 secrets out to put on the site every week. Some are sad, some are funny, some are outrageous. But it truly does help a lot of people feel like they're not alone. He updates every Sunday so it's always something to look forward to.
Here are a few of my favs this week:
See? Funny. Sad. At the very least they make you think.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
work. work. work.
Last night I got off work at.... 4:30 in the morning. "WHAT?!" you ask? Yes. It's true. We had a Dawgs After Dark in the rec center here at UGA and we had to wait for all of the stuff to be packed up. It took a little longer to expected and one of the employees for the company we use had a seizure while working so that ended up also delaying things as well. (He's ok!)
So needless to say... I'm tired. Really tired.
I'll leave you with a pic from last week... It's of one of my new BFFs, Christy, and I from a birthday party. We had a great time!
So needless to say... I'm tired. Really tired.
I'll leave you with a pic from last week... It's of one of my new BFFs, Christy, and I from a birthday party. We had a great time!
ben was here. :)
My friend Ben came to visit this weekend. We had a great time. On Thursday we went to dinner in Atlanta with his good friend (who was also an Alpha Gam) and her husband. We went to Six Feet Under. DELICIOUS. Great view of the city, great seafood, fun atmosphere. Loved it.
On Friday we got up and went downtown to get coffee and check out some of the shops. We went and got sushi for lunch. It was a beautiful day in Georgia... warm but no humidity (what a concept!) We had a wonderful time enjoying Athens!
Come back, Benji!
On Friday we got up and went downtown to get coffee and check out some of the shops. We went and got sushi for lunch. It was a beautiful day in Georgia... warm but no humidity (what a concept!) We had a wonderful time enjoying Athens!
Come back, Benji!
Monday, September 15, 2008
things that i am looking forward to...
1. Benji visiting on Thursday! i am so excited to have one of my bffs Ben here on Thursday night. I'm going to meet him in Atlanta to have dinner with his friend Rachel and then come back here to Athens for the night and for the day on Friday. Yay! He will be my very first visitor. I have so much to do before he gets here (clean, hang pictures, etc.)
2. Going HOME next week. On Thursday I fly out and on Friday I make my return to Columbus. I'm only going to be there for the day so I don't have much time... That being said I get to see 3 of the people who mean the absolute world to me: Jim, Abby, and Amanda. I'll be sure to take pics. I also get to see my family and plenty of my hometown friends and on Sunday my mom's side of the family is getting together for an enormous breakfast. I cannot wait! The last time they did this I wasn't in OH and I heard it was sooo much fun. This time I wouldn't miss it!
3. The power coming back on in OH. If you haven't heard, Gustav sort of screwed over Ohio too. There are major power outages that have stopped my hometown in its tracks. My brother didn't have school today and won't tomorrow either. My dad went in to work today and they sent him home because they were being forced to turn off the water. Luckily (or unluckily?) my mom's office did have electricty and water so she was able to go in. Gov. Strickland has declared a state of emergency. It's just crazy!
4. Knowing where my practicum, internship, and future job placement will be. If you know me well you know I am a planner at heart. I hate the unknown, I love to make lists, I love to plan my future. For the past 24 hours I've been trying to figure out what I can be doing to make myself more marketable to future employers while also trying to figure out where my true interests lie. Couple this with the fact that I am trying to find money to pay for my rent over the summer so I don't have to completely move all of this stuff out and you can definitely spell s-t-r-e-s-s. I know I know... I haven't even acclimated to the city and my current job... how can I worry about future ones already? I don't know poeple. I just do.
So much work to do... And so much procrastination going on...
2. Going HOME next week. On Thursday I fly out and on Friday I make my return to Columbus. I'm only going to be there for the day so I don't have much time... That being said I get to see 3 of the people who mean the absolute world to me: Jim, Abby, and Amanda. I'll be sure to take pics. I also get to see my family and plenty of my hometown friends and on Sunday my mom's side of the family is getting together for an enormous breakfast. I cannot wait! The last time they did this I wasn't in OH and I heard it was sooo much fun. This time I wouldn't miss it!
3. The power coming back on in OH. If you haven't heard, Gustav sort of screwed over Ohio too. There are major power outages that have stopped my hometown in its tracks. My brother didn't have school today and won't tomorrow either. My dad went in to work today and they sent him home because they were being forced to turn off the water. Luckily (or unluckily?) my mom's office did have electricty and water so she was able to go in. Gov. Strickland has declared a state of emergency. It's just crazy!
4. Knowing where my practicum, internship, and future job placement will be. If you know me well you know I am a planner at heart. I hate the unknown, I love to make lists, I love to plan my future. For the past 24 hours I've been trying to figure out what I can be doing to make myself more marketable to future employers while also trying to figure out where my true interests lie. Couple this with the fact that I am trying to find money to pay for my rent over the summer so I don't have to completely move all of this stuff out and you can definitely spell s-t-r-e-s-s. I know I know... I haven't even acclimated to the city and my current job... how can I worry about future ones already? I don't know poeple. I just do.
So much work to do... And so much procrastination going on...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
the highlight of my weekend...
this was definitely the highlight of my weekend. a few weeks ago (when they originally announced she was going to be the candidate) my friend holly suggested that tina fey play sarah palin... and she was right! i was literally laughing out loud as i watched this. whatever your political views you must agree that it's uncanny how much they look alike! tina fey pulls of the accent and the mannerisms (and gets a few good jabs in there too. :) )
enjoy! and happy monday!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
So... over the past week or so I was battling a pretty intense case of homesickness. Well... I guess it wasn't that intense but I was homesick nonetheless.
I've decided to go back home for a weekend! Hooray! I'll be flying back to OH on September 25 and coming back here on the following Sunday (the 28th.) So far my plans are:
Fri: breakfast with Amanda, lunch with Jim, hang out with Abby. Brother's football game that night!
Sat: Go to brother's JV game and then see him off to the homecoming dance. :)
Sun: Hang until I leave for GA.
I hope to see you if you're back at home!
I've decided to go back home for a weekend! Hooray! I'll be flying back to OH on September 25 and coming back here on the following Sunday (the 28th.) So far my plans are:
Fri: breakfast with Amanda, lunch with Jim, hang out with Abby. Brother's football game that night!
Sat: Go to brother's JV game and then see him off to the homecoming dance. :)
Sun: Hang until I leave for GA.
I hope to see you if you're back at home!
okay... better get it out there.
I'm a Dem. Did you know?
A prochoicegetthehelloutofiraqgivegaysrightseveryoneneedshealthinsurance Democrat.
The thing about it is this... if you're a Dem too, great. If you're not a Dem, great. I get it. You have your opinions and I have mine.
But what I won't stand for is for being told that I "just don't get it." Or that I'm "naive." And no... I'm definitely not "confused." (That's my Dad's fav way of telling me that my views are wrong. He's kidding... sort of. :) )
I am educated about the issues. I read. A lot. I watch the news. A lot. Am I an expert? No. But do I know what I believe and why? Yes.
I am SICK and TIRED of getting laughed at in a condescending tone. I hear the whispers... "why does she like him so much?" The rolling of the eyes and the shaking of the head. It's gotten old, folks. Really, really old.
November 4th can't get here fast enough.
A prochoicegetthehelloutofiraqgivegaysrightseveryoneneedshealthinsurance Democrat.
The thing about it is this... if you're a Dem too, great. If you're not a Dem, great. I get it. You have your opinions and I have mine.
But what I won't stand for is for being told that I "just don't get it." Or that I'm "naive." And no... I'm definitely not "confused." (That's my Dad's fav way of telling me that my views are wrong. He's kidding... sort of. :) )
I am educated about the issues. I read. A lot. I watch the news. A lot. Am I an expert? No. But do I know what I believe and why? Yes.
I am SICK and TIRED of getting laughed at in a condescending tone. I hear the whispers... "why does she like him so much?" The rolling of the eyes and the shaking of the head. It's gotten old, folks. Really, really old.
November 4th can't get here fast enough.
I'm a sucker for...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
... do you know what that means? (this is in reference to a rap song. listen to it here.)
Well it's been a while. Once a day I think to myself that I need to update... I formulate posts in my mind... but I always forget. So here goes...
1. School. So far it's been really great. I always say that my classes are like free therapy. We talk about theories and student development and then apply the things we learn to ourselves. When I say "we" I mean my cohort. There are 16 of us that all come from very different perspectives. It's an interesting dynamic... we're all so different yet very similar. Here's a rundown of the cohort:
Me: Recent grad from OSU (obviously.) Assistantship: University Union
Lori: Graduated from Rome College (it's in GA) and worked as a staffing recruiter for several years before returning to school. Assistanship: Pandora (the yearbook.)
Christy: Graduated from Texas A&M and traveled for Kappa Delta for a year. Assistantship: Arch Society in the Center for Leadership and Service.
Brad: Graduated from Rhodes College and worked at Christian Brothers University for a few years in admissions. Assistanship: Dawg Camp in the Center for Leadership and Service.
Kevin: Graduated from Indiana University and worked for Golden Key National Honor Society. Assistantship: Leadership Resource Team.
Samantha: Graduated from University of Pittsburgh. Traveled as a consultant for Kappa Delta. Assistantship: Greek Life
Lindsey Ann: Graduated from Clemson. Assistantship: Greek Life at Georgia Tech.
Larry: Graduated from Georgia Southern. Assistantship: Volunteer Services at Georgia Tech.
Danielle: Graduated from University of Florida. Assistantship: Housing.
Will: Graduated from Indiana University. Worked for a small methodist school in Minnesota. Assistantship: Housing.
Bonnie: Graduated from Elon University. Assistantship: Housing.
Caleb: Graduated from Millikin University. Worked there in housing. Assistantship: Academic initiatives in housing.
Catie: Graduated from Georgia Tech. Worked for Georgia Tech for a few years. Assistantship: Career Services at Georgia Tech (I think.)
Amy: Graduated from the College of Wooster. Worked in Chicago at a university. Assistantship: Something at Gainsville State.
Dawn: Graduated from University of Central Florida. Assistantship: Int'l Student Services?
Jason: Graduated from California State University at Chico. Assistantship: Alumni Society working with undergraduate initiatives.
There we are. A really really great group.
2. Work. Work is work. But it's really fun. Everyone I work with are incredibly laid back. My bosses are all about making sure that I understand the culture of Union. Our students are amazing. They're hard working and have great attitudes. So far I've had the opportunity to work a movie preview, a comedy show, a Dawgs After Dark, and a lecture event. It's been pretty fun so far. It can drag at times... but I have confidence that it will get better. I guess I should enjoy the down time.
3. Friends. There are some members of my cohort that I've instantly become close to. The entire Campus Life crew (Lori, Christy, Kevin, Brad) have become close and I've loved that. Pretty soon we're all moving into new offices and we'll be so close to one another! We're pumped. Last night I had Christy, Kevin, and Sam over for dinner and it was so nice to be able to have other people in my apartment (more about my apt in a minute.) Last week Brad and I spent the afternoon laying in the sun while I was dog sitting for my boss and it was nice to actually talk to someone about something more than a theory in class. My relationships here are really coming together.
4. My apartment. I still love it. It's coming together more and more. I put together an entire dresser for ikea by myself this past weekend and I've been putting together pictures to go up on the walls. As soon as they're done I'll take pics and put them up.
5. OSU. I miss osu more than anything. Every time I see anything scarlet and grey, anytime I see something about buckeye football. Any time my professor mentions osu (two of them got their PhDs there) I almost lose it. I finally watched the OSU vs Michigan HBO special and I was a mess by the end. I was by myself and crying like I had lost a friend. But I guess that's the thing about OSU... it's been my romantic involvement for the past 4 years. My one true relationship.
6. Jimbo. Yes... my BFF Jim got to go to Denver for free because of the Obama campaign. The opportunity was unreal. He got to meet Obama and talk to him before he gave his acceptance speech. He got to be a VIP at all of the big events. And right before he left Denver... he got to meet Oprah. He was living my liberal dream. He got to go because he won a competition the campaign held called "Backstage with Barack." Google it and read about it. So so so cool.
7. Politics. Well... that deserves an entire post. I'll post about it later. promise. Just know that I've watched more CNN lately than is probably healthy. And NO. I don't like Sarah Palin.
I promise to update more. So keep checking (well... it may just be my mom reading... but she'll check back.)
All my love from GA,
Well it's been a while. Once a day I think to myself that I need to update... I formulate posts in my mind... but I always forget. So here goes...
1. School. So far it's been really great. I always say that my classes are like free therapy. We talk about theories and student development and then apply the things we learn to ourselves. When I say "we" I mean my cohort. There are 16 of us that all come from very different perspectives. It's an interesting dynamic... we're all so different yet very similar. Here's a rundown of the cohort:
Me: Recent grad from OSU (obviously.) Assistantship: University Union
Lori: Graduated from Rome College (it's in GA) and worked as a staffing recruiter for several years before returning to school. Assistanship: Pandora (the yearbook.)
Christy: Graduated from Texas A&M and traveled for Kappa Delta for a year. Assistantship: Arch Society in the Center for Leadership and Service.
Brad: Graduated from Rhodes College and worked at Christian Brothers University for a few years in admissions. Assistanship: Dawg Camp in the Center for Leadership and Service.
Kevin: Graduated from Indiana University and worked for Golden Key National Honor Society. Assistantship: Leadership Resource Team.
Samantha: Graduated from University of Pittsburgh. Traveled as a consultant for Kappa Delta. Assistantship: Greek Life
Lindsey Ann: Graduated from Clemson. Assistantship: Greek Life at Georgia Tech.
Larry: Graduated from Georgia Southern. Assistantship: Volunteer Services at Georgia Tech.
Danielle: Graduated from University of Florida. Assistantship: Housing.
Will: Graduated from Indiana University. Worked for a small methodist school in Minnesota. Assistantship: Housing.
Bonnie: Graduated from Elon University. Assistantship: Housing.
Caleb: Graduated from Millikin University. Worked there in housing. Assistantship: Academic initiatives in housing.
Catie: Graduated from Georgia Tech. Worked for Georgia Tech for a few years. Assistantship: Career Services at Georgia Tech (I think.)
Amy: Graduated from the College of Wooster. Worked in Chicago at a university. Assistantship: Something at Gainsville State.
Dawn: Graduated from University of Central Florida. Assistantship: Int'l Student Services?
Jason: Graduated from California State University at Chico. Assistantship: Alumni Society working with undergraduate initiatives.
There we are. A really really great group.
2. Work. Work is work. But it's really fun. Everyone I work with are incredibly laid back. My bosses are all about making sure that I understand the culture of Union. Our students are amazing. They're hard working and have great attitudes. So far I've had the opportunity to work a movie preview, a comedy show, a Dawgs After Dark, and a lecture event. It's been pretty fun so far. It can drag at times... but I have confidence that it will get better. I guess I should enjoy the down time.
3. Friends. There are some members of my cohort that I've instantly become close to. The entire Campus Life crew (Lori, Christy, Kevin, Brad) have become close and I've loved that. Pretty soon we're all moving into new offices and we'll be so close to one another! We're pumped. Last night I had Christy, Kevin, and Sam over for dinner and it was so nice to be able to have other people in my apartment (more about my apt in a minute.) Last week Brad and I spent the afternoon laying in the sun while I was dog sitting for my boss and it was nice to actually talk to someone about something more than a theory in class. My relationships here are really coming together.
4. My apartment. I still love it. It's coming together more and more. I put together an entire dresser for ikea by myself this past weekend and I've been putting together pictures to go up on the walls. As soon as they're done I'll take pics and put them up.
5. OSU. I miss osu more than anything. Every time I see anything scarlet and grey, anytime I see something about buckeye football. Any time my professor mentions osu (two of them got their PhDs there) I almost lose it. I finally watched the OSU vs Michigan HBO special and I was a mess by the end. I was by myself and crying like I had lost a friend. But I guess that's the thing about OSU... it's been my romantic involvement for the past 4 years. My one true relationship.
6. Jimbo. Yes... my BFF Jim got to go to Denver for free because of the Obama campaign. The opportunity was unreal. He got to meet Obama and talk to him before he gave his acceptance speech. He got to be a VIP at all of the big events. And right before he left Denver... he got to meet Oprah. He was living my liberal dream. He got to go because he won a competition the campaign held called "Backstage with Barack." Google it and read about it. So so so cool.
7. Politics. Well... that deserves an entire post. I'll post about it later. promise. Just know that I've watched more CNN lately than is probably healthy. And NO. I don't like Sarah Palin.
I promise to update more. So keep checking (well... it may just be my mom reading... but she'll check back.)
All my love from GA,
Saturday, August 9, 2008
bored bored bored bored
Thus far there's nothing to do in GA. Well... I guess that's not quite true.
Let me start over...
I'm bored in Georgia because I have no money. If I had money there would be plenty to do. These things include:
1. Finish my bedroom. As in... buy a headboard/footboard and perhaps a dresser.
2. Go to ATL to the Ikea and to see Meg.
3. Go out to the bar with my cohort (although this probably could have been done... but I'm too stressed about it to have a good time.)
So instead of doing any of the above I have:
1. Watched the Olympics.
2. Cried over the Olympics.
3. Window shopped at TJ Maxx (another great thing about my apt location... SO close, maybe even too close, to a TJ Maxx with a Homegoods too. aaah.)
4. Checked the mail a zillion times hoping that my loan check would be within the box. No luck so far.
Tomorrow will be a better day. Of course the mail doesn't run but I'm planning on...
1. Working out.
2. Watching the women's gymnastics.
3. Doing laundry.
4. Cleaning in general.
5. Laying out (because EVERYONE in the south is SOO tan.)
Tomorrow will be a better day... :)
Let me start over...
I'm bored in Georgia because I have no money. If I had money there would be plenty to do. These things include:
1. Finish my bedroom. As in... buy a headboard/footboard and perhaps a dresser.
2. Go to ATL to the Ikea and to see Meg.
3. Go out to the bar with my cohort (although this probably could have been done... but I'm too stressed about it to have a good time.)
So instead of doing any of the above I have:
1. Watched the Olympics.
2. Cried over the Olympics.
3. Window shopped at TJ Maxx (another great thing about my apt location... SO close, maybe even too close, to a TJ Maxx with a Homegoods too. aaah.)
4. Checked the mail a zillion times hoping that my loan check would be within the box. No luck so far.
Tomorrow will be a better day. Of course the mail doesn't run but I'm planning on...
1. Working out.
2. Watching the women's gymnastics.
3. Doing laundry.
4. Cleaning in general.
5. Laying out (because EVERYONE in the south is SOO tan.)
Tomorrow will be a better day... :)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I love ATL. I hate cars.
The title says it all.
I'll start with the bad: I hate cars. I love the easiness and convenience they bring to my life, but I seem to have the worst luck with them. I've been in 3 wrecks in the 6 years that I've been driving (2 of which were not my fault) and I've had endless repairs and minor issues. Last night when I was leaving Meg's (I'll get there in a minute) I started to drive away only to hear these awful noises when I hit any bump, no matter how minor. This led to calling AAA, waiting for a tow truck, and then driving back to Athens hoping that other drivers wouldn't look at my too weird when I hit little bumps in the highway. It was comical.
Now today, I've dropped my car off across the street and have since been without one. Luckily everything around me is within walking distance and the whole area has sidewalks and is walking friendly or else I'm not sure what I would have done. I would look like a wandering nomad, I suppose.
But alas, the car will be fixed and I will again have convenience in my life. Hopefully I can go another few months without car issues.
Now the good: I cannot tell you how nice it is to know that I can see Meg whenever I want. Meg (as most of you know) is one of my best friends and she just happens to live a little over an hour from me in Atlanta. We lived together for over two years and to say the least we feel extremely comfortable around one another. I know that if I would ever need anything she would be there in a sec to help me (and vice-versa.) How nice. :)
Mom left yesterday. :( I dropped her off at the Atlanta airport before I met up with Meg. I cannot thank her enough for all of the cleaning and buying she did while she was here. Even when she got home last night and all day today she's been helping me with this car mess. I could not do it without my family (even Seth. haha.)
I'll start with the bad: I hate cars. I love the easiness and convenience they bring to my life, but I seem to have the worst luck with them. I've been in 3 wrecks in the 6 years that I've been driving (2 of which were not my fault) and I've had endless repairs and minor issues. Last night when I was leaving Meg's (I'll get there in a minute) I started to drive away only to hear these awful noises when I hit any bump, no matter how minor. This led to calling AAA, waiting for a tow truck, and then driving back to Athens hoping that other drivers wouldn't look at my too weird when I hit little bumps in the highway. It was comical.
Now today, I've dropped my car off across the street and have since been without one. Luckily everything around me is within walking distance and the whole area has sidewalks and is walking friendly or else I'm not sure what I would have done. I would look like a wandering nomad, I suppose.
But alas, the car will be fixed and I will again have convenience in my life. Hopefully I can go another few months without car issues.
Now the good: I cannot tell you how nice it is to know that I can see Meg whenever I want. Meg (as most of you know) is one of my best friends and she just happens to live a little over an hour from me in Atlanta. We lived together for over two years and to say the least we feel extremely comfortable around one another. I know that if I would ever need anything she would be there in a sec to help me (and vice-versa.) How nice. :)
Mom left yesterday. :( I dropped her off at the Atlanta airport before I met up with Meg. I cannot thank her enough for all of the cleaning and buying she did while she was here. Even when she got home last night and all day today she's been helping me with this car mess. I could not do it without my family (even Seth. haha.)
Monday, August 4, 2008
so much done.
I've gotten so much done in the past 48 hours (mostly due to my mom's driving spirit to know all there is to know about the city.)
1. Got a library card!- This may seem ridiculous but it's not at all to me (a girl who loves to read and is barely getting by.) I could lay and read all day.
2. Opened my bank accounts! The bank here was super helpful and I already feel like I have a better relationship with the people there than I did with the people at my old bank (of which I was a customer for 4+ years.)
3. Figured out where all of the main streets lead and even found a few shortcuts! (self explanatory.) I even found a shortcut to work that takes me right by the Alpha Gam house... it makes me feel a little more at home.
4. Eaten at some great local places! Five Guys Burgers and Fries (which I guess isn't local... but they didn't have it at home so now it's local to me) and a japanese restaurant that had wonderful fried rice.
Tomorrow I plan on going to campus and dropping by where I'll be working (and hopefully grabbing some free garb while I'm there) and laying out by the pool. Kick it.
Mom leaves Wed. :( My parents have been so great throughout this whole thing. It's been a pretty easy transition (so far) and I think this has a lot to do with them.
Well I better go watch Jon and Kate Plus 8... hahahaha.
1. Got a library card!- This may seem ridiculous but it's not at all to me (a girl who loves to read and is barely getting by.) I could lay and read all day.
2. Opened my bank accounts! The bank here was super helpful and I already feel like I have a better relationship with the people there than I did with the people at my old bank (of which I was a customer for 4+ years.)
3. Figured out where all of the main streets lead and even found a few shortcuts! (self explanatory.) I even found a shortcut to work that takes me right by the Alpha Gam house... it makes me feel a little more at home.
4. Eaten at some great local places! Five Guys Burgers and Fries (which I guess isn't local... but they didn't have it at home so now it's local to me) and a japanese restaurant that had wonderful fried rice.
Tomorrow I plan on going to campus and dropping by where I'll be working (and hopefully grabbing some free garb while I'm there) and laying out by the pool. Kick it.
Mom leaves Wed. :( My parents have been so great throughout this whole thing. It's been a pretty easy transition (so far) and I think this has a lot to do with them.
Well I better go watch Jon and Kate Plus 8... hahahaha.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I am in love...
...with my new apartment. ;-)

Living Room

Dining Room (the 4th chair is at my desk right now.) (THANKS, AUNT KAYE AND UNCLE STEVE FOR THIS GREAT FURNITURE AND RUG!)


Bedroom (Still mostly unpacked and without a headboard and bedspread... but it's getting there.)

Walk in Closet! My faaaaaav! (Also unpacked and unorganized... project to be finished this week.)

Bathroom (I forgot to take a pic that showed how big it is and how the shower is as big as a regular bathroom but just know that it's wonderful!)

I didn't take pics of the utility room or the patio but both of these areas are also equally as nice... just not very exciting.
It's coming together quickly because my parents are both AMAZING and they've been helping me a ton. Tomorrow Dad goes home :( but Mom is staying until Wednesday. I'm so lucky to have a wonderful family!
I'm sure there will be lots of fun stories to come...
All my love from ATHENS! :)
Living Room
Dining Room (the 4th chair is at my desk right now.) (THANKS, AUNT KAYE AND UNCLE STEVE FOR THIS GREAT FURNITURE AND RUG!)
Bedroom (Still mostly unpacked and without a headboard and bedspread... but it's getting there.)
Walk in Closet! My faaaaaav! (Also unpacked and unorganized... project to be finished this week.)
Bathroom (I forgot to take a pic that showed how big it is and how the shower is as big as a regular bathroom but just know that it's wonderful!)
I didn't take pics of the utility room or the patio but both of these areas are also equally as nice... just not very exciting.
It's coming together quickly because my parents are both AMAZING and they've been helping me a ton. Tomorrow Dad goes home :( but Mom is staying until Wednesday. I'm so lucky to have a wonderful family!
I'm sure there will be lots of fun stories to come...
All my love from ATHENS! :)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
101 love.
So at the beginning of last year I was unpacking in my new apartment and came across my magnetic poetry. I also found the "101" magnet and I immediately thought of a zillion adjectives that described the 101st Class of SPHINX. So throughout the year I added, subtracted, etc. to the list and as I was taking it down last weekend I made sure to take a pic. Nothing too exciting but something meaningful to me nonetheless.

I love SPHINX. I have learned so much from each link. I still can't believe our year is over.
101 love.
(Don't know what SPHINX is? Learn here.)
I love SPHINX. I have learned so much from each link. I still can't believe our year is over.
101 love.
(Don't know what SPHINX is? Learn here.)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thanks, Ohio State.
Thanks, Ohio State for:
1. Teaching me what real tradition is. Mirror Lake, Script Ohio, etc.
2. Giving me the opportunity to grow and become a real, independent adult.
3. Giving me Mount, which gave me the most amazing friends all through college.
4. Giving me USG, which gave me the opportunity to work with a zillion different kinds of people and learn the art of negotiation and patience.
5. Giving me the most amazing mentors I could ever have. So many people have helped me throughout the years.
6. Blessing me with great roommates. Living in 208, on Norwich, and in Hotel RAD has always been a good time.
7. Allowing me to be me. And for figuring out what that meant.
8. For all of the most random nights of my life... :)
9. For giving me Alpha Gam. Which really gave me purpose when I couldn't find any.
10. For allowing me to walk away with absolutely no regrets.
T- less than 36 hours until the great migration begins...
1. Teaching me what real tradition is. Mirror Lake, Script Ohio, etc.
2. Giving me the opportunity to grow and become a real, independent adult.
3. Giving me Mount, which gave me the most amazing friends all through college.
4. Giving me USG, which gave me the opportunity to work with a zillion different kinds of people and learn the art of negotiation and patience.
5. Giving me the most amazing mentors I could ever have. So many people have helped me throughout the years.
6. Blessing me with great roommates. Living in 208, on Norwich, and in Hotel RAD has always been a good time.
7. Allowing me to be me. And for figuring out what that meant.
8. For all of the most random nights of my life... :)
9. For giving me Alpha Gam. Which really gave me purpose when I couldn't find any.
10. For allowing me to walk away with absolutely no regrets.
T- less than 36 hours until the great migration begins...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Do you have Skype?
If not... ask yourself... WHY?!
Over the past few days I've become OBSESSED with it. It's just the most amazing way to keep with up people. It's so simple too. Go to, download the program and install it. All you need from there is a webcam with a built in microphone (you can get them for under $60 at Best Buy... or my mom found them on craigslist today for $10) and you're all set! I have Skype and I'm literally telling anyone who will listen about it.
Bottom line: Do it. And then tell me about it.
Over the past few days I've become OBSESSED with it. It's just the most amazing way to keep with up people. It's so simple too. Go to, download the program and install it. All you need from there is a webcam with a built in microphone (you can get them for under $60 at Best Buy... or my mom found them on craigslist today for $10) and you're all set! I have Skype and I'm literally telling anyone who will listen about it.
Bottom line: Do it. And then tell me about it.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Giving it another whirl...
So I've tried this blogging stuff once before. It didn't go over well because I really had no reason to write other than the fact that I wanted to document my life for myself. But now, since I'm moving and I want to try to keep my family and friends in the loop, I'm trying it again. So here goes nothing...
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