Thursday, October 2, 2008


My friend Gent has coined this October "Baracktober." I'm not sure if she came up with the term or not (I would not be surprised) but I love it nonetheless.

After watching the debate tonight I am believing more and more that this campaign has seen its turning point. McCain's stunt last week (he suspended his campaign to deal with the Republicans in the House) has back fired. People are starting to get it. I've chatted with several people lately who have had their "light bulb" moments. I love it.

IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE DO SO NOW. Go to for all of your voting needs (change of address, registering, absentee info.) If you don't register by today (Fri) in some states you're relinquishing your ability to have a say on November 4th. I don't care who you vote for (well that's a lie) or where you vote... just vote!

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