Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So I've been thinking lately... a lot of my favorite people have been showing up here in Athens, GA for a variety of reasons... but one of them has just been to visit me!  How awesome is that?  I have the best family and friends.  Here are pics of my visitors so far this year...

Mark and Abby! Mark was interviewing for the CSAA program (of which I am a part of) and Abby came along for the ride. We had a ton of fun while they were here... minus the day I had the stomach flu and Abby had to take care of both Mark and I!

And my wonderful Aunt Kaye and Uncle Steve. They were a sight for sore eyes after a particularly rough week. They make me feel so special when I see them. I can only hope that one day Seth and I will be as good to each other's kids as they have been to us!

Maggie came too! She interviewed for the CSAA program as well but we forgot to take a pic. Boo.

More to come tomorrow but right now I NEED to sleep.


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